About the show
The world of work is transforming, through remote working, the 4-day week, and employee autonomy Great organizations put their people first.
Stephen brings you conversations with remarkable leaders and successful entrepreneurs living this reality and transforming organizations into workspaces where employees feel good about themselves. Creating workplaces where employees thrive rather than languish, should be the goal of every future-thinking company.
The future of work is happy and happy starts here.
10: The 4 day week, with Elena Kerrigan
July 20th, 2022 | 40 mins 28 secs
9: Remote working with Liam Martin – How to do your best work from anywhere
July 12th, 2022 | 43 mins 28 secs
Stephen and Liliana are joined by author, conference organiser, and remote work expert Liam Martin.
Episode 8: Henry Stewart- The Happy Manifesto
February 4th, 2022 | 39 mins 3 secs
Chief Happiness Officer at Happy Ltd joins Stephen to discuss building happy workplaces.
Episode 7: The Happy Entrepreneurs- Dr Carlos Saba and Laurence McCahill
November 7th, 2021 | 50 mins 46 secs
Laurence McCahill and Carlos Saba from the Happy Startup School discuss doing business differently, making ease and happiness in work a priority.
Episode 6: The four-day work week
October 24th, 2021 | 39 mins 47 secs
How shrinking the working week can expand our potential to be productive, healthier and happier.
Episode 5: Motivating your mojo
September 26th, 2021 | 42 mins 37 secs
Finding intrinsic motivation where it feels like none is available
4: Atomic Focus, with Patrick McKeown
September 5th, 2021 | 1 hr 9 mins
Author of Atomic Focus, The Oxygen Advantage and several other titles, discusses the ways poor breathing affects day-to-day living and hampers our success.
3: Happy Habits, with John Ellison
August 22nd, 2021 | 43 mins 52 secs
Liliana and Stephen are joined by behaviour designer and serial entrepreneur John Ellison.
2: The Great Resignation and BOLT scoring
August 8th, 2021 | 1 hr 1 min
Stephen discusses the Great Resignation, looking at a number of studies into how people feel about returning to work. Liliana leads Stephen into a test to discover his body oxygen level (which you're invited to follow along with), and discusses ambidexterity in organisations.
1: What is happiness at work?
July 25th, 2021 | 37 mins 20 secs
Stephen and Liliana introduce the Wow @ Work philosophy by talking about workplace happiness: what it is, and how organisations can go about achieving it, by creating a safe and trusting environment.